Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

My country

Yesterday I was walking along the street but suddenly a 20-21 years old man asked me if he was going the right direction when he wanted to come to the monument situated in our city. I said that it was right direction but it would take him too much time if he walk there. Late on I heard a "friendly" question: "Can you give me 50 cents." It is all right and I'd give such money, but I didn't, because I hear such request almost everyday, especially in the evening. In most cases this phrase is only the cause to start holdup. I can't understand why so much adults and healthy men don't want to work and they live due to robbery. I hate this!

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Homemade Contraption

Very funny contraption. Too long video for such type, but I like it. Recommend to see it!

Vingrad meeting

We Zaporizhzhya Vingrad's users have planning to meet next day. But all and me made a great mistake, don't plan exact day and time for meeting. So we decided to carry over meeting's date for the next week.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Blog's birth

Today this blog was born. Of course now I must celebrate this event, so don't wait any interesting post today :).